Candy Crush Saga: Special Candy Combinations
Our Candy Crush Saga Walkthough will guide you through this addicting Match 3 game that boasts bright and colorful board pieces and extremely challenging gameplay that will excite hardcore match players. Use our insider tips on special candy combinations as well as our practical advice to hone your candy crushing skills.
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Special Candy Combinations
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Special Candy Combinations
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Special Candies appear when you match 4 or more candies in Candy Crush Saga.

Striped Candy - When you combine 4 candies, you will get a striped candy. Combine a striped candy with its color and you will clear either a horizontal or vertical row.
Wrapped Candy - When you combine 5 candies in a T or an L shape, you will get a wrapped candy. These will clear 8 surrounding candies.
Color Bomb - When you switch a color bomb with a regular candy, it will clear all the candy on the board of that color. For example, if you swapped the color bomb with a red jelly bean, it would clear all the red jelly beans from the board.
Special Candy Combinations

Striped Candy + Striped Candy - Clears both a horizontal and a vertical row.
Wrapped Candy + Wrapped Candy - Each candy will clear 24 candies surrounding them and push back the rest of the candy.
Striped Candy + Wrapped Candy - Clears three rows vertically and horizontally.
Striped Candy + Color Bomb - Transforms all the candy of the same color as the striped candy and then activates them all at once.
Wrapped Candy + Color Bomb - This will activate the Color Bomb twice, with the second color candy being randomly selected.
Color Bomb + Color Bomb - Clears the board of all candies.
Color Bomb + Jelly Fish - This combination will create 3 Color Bomb Jelly Fish, which will transform the candy they eat into Jelly Fish and then activates them all.
Striped Candy + Jelly Fish - This combination will create 3 striped Jelly Fish, which will transform the candy they eat into striped candies and then activate them all.
Wrapped Candy + Jelly Fish - This combination creates 3 Wrapped Jelly Fish which will transform all the candy they eat into Wrapped Candy.
Striped Candy + Coconut Wheel - This combination will make the Coconut Wheel move across the screen and transform the row or column of candies it passes into Striped Candies.
Color Bomb + Coconut Wheel - This combination will make the Coconut Wheel move across the screen and transform the row or column of candies it passes into Striped Candies.
Wrapped Candy + Coconut Wheel - This combination will make the Coconut Wheel move across the screen and transform the row or column of candies it passes into Wrapped Candies.
General Information & Tips
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Special Candy Combinations
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Level Types
Special Candy Combinations
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